
Real Estate Solutions for Fellow Investors


We Are A Real Estate Investing Company Dedicated To Creating Easy Investing Opportunities

Welcome to CKK Capital Funding LLC, a reliable partner for private money lending. We specialize in providing flexible and quick financing solutions for real estate investors.

Being a hard money broker, we acknowledge that traditional lending options may not always be practical for real estate investors, especially when time is of the essence. That’s why we offer private money loans customized to your specific requirements and objectives.

Our team of experienced brokers and lenders is dedicated to working closely with each client to create tailored solutions that address their unique needs and objectives. Regardless of your credit history, we are committed to helping you achieve your investment goals. We are confident that we can lead the way and earn your business, so contact us today to learn more about our services.


We Are Dedicated To You And Your Community


Looking for your next investment opportunity? Look no further! As one of the most active real estate investing companies in the area, we are dedicated to helping you find your next investment property. Whether you’re looking for complete rehabs, minor fixer-uppers, rental properties, or move-in ready homes, we have a wide range of properties available at the right price for your next investment.

fix and flips

As a premier home seller in this area, we are confident that with our large inventory of properties, we can work around your timeline and goals for buying your next home.

We will work hard to ensure that the buying process is straightforward, fast, efficient, and seamless.


Get More Information Today

Request a call back and we’ll be in touch in the next 24 hours to see how we can best help you. Whether it’s finding your next investment property, your family’s dream home, or making an offer on your home for sale, we are ready to earn your business.

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