Questions? We have answers.

Are you a Lender or a Broker and are there fees or commissions involved?

We are a lender and a broker. If for any reason we can’t provide the funding you need, then we have a large network of other lenders we work closely with and we can broker the funds to you. We like providing options to the investors we work with. So they can have the best rates and the quickest closings available to them. If your in need of a 100% funding we also have split equity opportunities available to provide you up to a 100% funding for your purchase, rehab and closing costs. Regardless of the loan type there is always a 3% Broker fee, which is standard in the industry.

What types of Loans do you offer?

We offer loans for non owner occupied real estate investments. Whether your in need of funding for a 6 month to 2 year fix and flip or a loan for a 30 year rental or even if you need to do a cash-out refi loan, we have options available to fill all your funding needs.

What Does FHA Cap Mean?

The FHA Cap represents the maximum loan amount in the county the investment property is located in. To find the FHA Cap in the county where the investment property is located click on the link below:

I still have questions!

The terms of the loan are negotiated between the lender and borrower, and can be more flexible than those offered by traditional banks. Contact us to discuss your specific loan needs and we’ll work with you to find a loan that meets your requirements.